Picture from Jade Lui 梁家玉 |
Ingredients 材料:
2-3 slices Ginger 薑
Turnip large piece or about 1kg
25g rock sugar 冰糖
650g beef brisket 牛腩
2-3 slices Ginger 薑
Turnip large piece or about 1kg
25g rock sugar 冰糖
650g beef brisket 牛腩
Sauce mix
200ml soy sauce 豉油
2-3 tbsp oyster sauce 蠔油
600ml water 水
200ml soy sauce 豉油
2-3 tbsp oyster sauce 蠔油
600ml water 水
Slurry 茨汁
1.5 tbsp corn starch 生粉
3 tbsp water 水
1.5 tbsp corn starch 生粉
3 tbsp water 水
Spring onion to sprinkle on top (optional) 葱放面(隨你喜好)
1) chop turnip and brisket into the size you like, preferrably not too small due to long time cooking 切白蘿蔔和牛腩至你喜歡的size, 但不要切得太細因為要煮幾小時
1) chop turnip and brisket into the size you like, preferrably not too small due to long time cooking 切白蘿蔔和牛腩至你喜歡的size, 但不要切得太細因為要煮幾小時
2) blanch beef brisket 牛腩要出水(水滾大概一分鐘就ok了,血水出咗就ok了)
3) with medium heat, use about 1-2 tbsp oil to fry sliced ginger about 30sec to 1 min to release flavour, then add in turnip to fry for a few minutes until it turned yellow 用中火 ,加入一至兩湯匙的油去炒薑片 ,大概30秒至1分鐘。 再加入白蘿蔔和冰糖,多炒幾分鐘直至白蘿蔔變成黃黃地色。
4) add in blanched brisket and soy sauce mix into the pot and let it cook until tender. About 4-6 hours for me. 加入已出水的牛腩,和豉油混合醬汁煲四至六小時或直至已經夠林就得啦
5) I use medium high heat for the first 10 mins then turn down to lowest heat and let it cook until it's all done. 加入所有材料之後,我會用中大火煲大概10分鐘,之後再轉最細火去煲到啲肉和蘿蔔夠淋為止。 軟硬度是隨你的,如果你想吃淋啲就煮耐啲,如果你不想太淋就煮短啲的時間,自己決定呢!
6) taste for flavour after about three hours, if you think it's not flavourful enough please add in a bit more soy sauce or oyster sauce, but if you think it's too salty pls add in some more water. You can be the judge for what you like.. as always if your liquid is evaporated too fast, please add in more water. 大概三小時候開始識味,如果不夠味請自己加多少少豉油或者蠔油去調味,若果太鹹就加少許水入去中和,煮嘅時候如果水份揮發得太多請自己加番多啲水
7) once cooking is done, add in slurry into stew for thickening. Turn the heat up to medium for a few more mins until sauce is thickened. 調好味之後,加入芡汁收水。 加入芡汁時請轉至中火,煮多幾分鐘,收咗汁就ok了!
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