Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Tomato and Egg Stir Fry 蕃茄炒蛋 肥媽 Maria Cordero


📌番茄2個 - 連皮對半切再每邊切開三塊(可隨意去皮)
📌糖 3茶匙
📌蔥 2茶匙 切條和拿一些切粒
注意⚠️煮之前要先將碟, 糖, 鹽, 茄汁及水凖備好放側邊備用
1. 先將雞蛋打勻並放入少許鹽
2. 燒熱個鑊加油(可加多小小油), 加入雞蛋後用鑊鏟炒幾下, 馬上拿出來上碟 備用⚠️千萬不要煮熟
3. 倒些油入鑊內, 加入蕃茄再加糖, 鹽和茄汁, 再加少許水煮和炒幾下. 此時可加蔥炒下 , 但不要煮得太熟
4. 待蕃茄滾起時, 倒入雞蛋不要動侍它滾後便可上碟, 再灑上蔥粒, 完成.

Classic Tomato and Egg Stir Fry
(YouTube video starts at 14:35.)
Eggs - 4 or more
Tomato - 2 (cut into chunks. Optional to remove skin.)
Seasoning ingredients:
Salt - 2 tsp
Sugar - 2 tsp
Ketchup - 2 tbsp
Water - a bit to make the sauce
Green onion - cut into chunks
White pepper - optional
1. In a bowl, beat eggs, add a pinch of salt and mix well. Set aside.
2. Heat up a wok, add more oil than usual. Add in beaten eggs and stir fry for a FEW SECONDS and transfer to a plate. DO NOT fully cook the eggs for now.
3. In the same wok, add in tomato chunks, sugar, salt, ketchup, water, and mix well. Add in green onion chunks and cook until tomato chunks are soft but still chewable but NOT mushy.
4. Bring the wok to a boil.
5. Return partially cooked eggs back to the work. DO NOT touch them. Let it boil a bit.
6. Transfer to a serving plate. Garnish with more green onion pieces.

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