Friday, January 29, 2021

Red Bean Pudding 肥媽紅豆糕

Red Bean Pudding 


Coconut milk   -   200g 

Evaporated milk   -   100g

Cooked red bean   -   a bowl (or canned red bean) 

Water   -   200g

Corn starch   -   120g

Sugar   -   140g  


1. In a mixing bowl, add in corn starch, water, and mix well.  Add in evaporated milk, coconut milk, mix well and pour into a cooking pot. 

2. Add in sugar and continue stirring on LOW heat.  Add in red bean and keep stirring until the batter thickens and tiny bubbles appear.  

3. Transfer to tray/mold.  Refrigerate to set.


📌椰奶 200g Coconut Milk
📌砂糖 140g Sugar
📌粟粉 120g Corn Starch
📌紅豆 100g Red Bean *可用罐裝或自己煮
📌水 200g Water
📌淡奶 100g Evaporated Milk


1. 先用水開了粟粉攪勻再加入椰奶及淡奶攪勻
2. 將 #1 的粉漿混合物倒入預熱的煲中用慢火一邊攪拌一邊加入砂糖(亦可先用水煮溶砂糖然後再加粉漿煮)注意⚠️不要太猛火因粟粉會容易凝固. 用手一直攪拌不能停下.
3. 可試下味調教一下自己喜愛的甜度
4. 一直攪拌至差不多成型馬上放入紅豆,繼續攪拌至粉漿起小泡煮熟變稠
5. 趁熱倒入盛器或模具及掃平
6. 稍為放涼後冷藏, 完成

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