Wednesday, March 29, 2023

Tomato Baked Pork Chop Rice


Tomato Baked Pork Chop Rice


   📌Two pork chops, rice, an egg, some bread crumbs, some grated cheddar cheese

   Pork Chops Seasoning:

   📌Salt, black pepper

   Rice seasoning:

   📌Salt, pepper

   Side dishes:

   📌One pineapple, one tomato, half a white onion, half a purple onion


   📌A little butter, flour, tomato paste, half a teaspoon of chicken stock powder, Worcestershire sauce 

mushroom powder


 1 Poke the pork chop with the tip of a knife ,cut off the white side then pat it loose with the back of the knife, dip both sides with seasoning and then pat with cornstarch

 2 Put the pork chops in a wok and fry on high heat first,then turn to low heat and fry until slightly charred, then fry on high heat until cooked

 3 Mix rice with egg yolk 

 4 Heat the oil in a wok, stir fry the rice, add salt and pepper and fry well

 5 Slightly fry the onion in a wok and set aside

 Sauce steps:

 6 A little oil, a little butter, heat up a wok, add flour, cook for a while, turn off the heat, add tomato paste until fragrant, then add half a teaspoon of chicken powder, add a little water and stir well, turn on the heat,add tomato and onion, stir well 

add tomato juice,

a little worcestershire sauce Add appropriate amount of water, taste, you can add a little salt, a little mushroom powder and bring to a boil, finally add pineapple and mix well

 7 Put the pork chop on the fried rice and pour the sauce

 8 Finally Add a little butter ,

appropriate amount of bread crumbs, 

chopped cheddar cheese 

Put it into the oven, and bake at high temperature for 10 minutes until the cheese melts and the bread crumbs are slightly crispy.

Tomato Baked Pork Chop Rice 番茄焗豬扒飯  Maria Cordero 












1 豬扒用刀尖拮幾吓,白色邊部份剪開,再用刀背拍鬆,二面塗上調味料後再拍上生粉

2 豬扒放鑊中先大火稍煎,轉慢火煎至微焦再大火煎至熟

3 白飯用蛋液拌勻

4 下油燒熱鑊將飯略炒加鹽同胡椒粉炒好

5 洋蔥落鑊略炒盛起



7 豬扒放炒飯面倒上醬汁


Monday, March 13, 2023

Braised pork with eggs

 Thit Kho Tau Vietnamese traditional dish for Tet/Lunar New Year

Braised pork with eggs
•3-4 lbs of thick pork belly with skin or any cut you prefer.
• 12 hard boiled eggs(more if prefer)
• 1 tablespoon chopped garlic
• 2 tablespoon chopped shallots
• 2 can of coco rico coconut soda ( optional, coconut water or 7 up)
• 1 cup water
• 1/2 cup fish sauce ( 3 crabs brand)
• 1/4 cup oyster sauce
• 1/2 teaspoon ground pepper
• 1 teaspoon garlic powder
• 1 teaspoon onion powder
• 1 teaspoon paprika
• 1 teaspoon msg(optional)
Caramelized sauce:
• 1 tablespoon cooking oil
• 2 tablespoon sugar
Cut your meat into cube. Wash and clean. Parboiled for 6-8 minutes with a tablespoon of salt. Take meat out, clean and rinse. Set aside.
1•In a pot add oil and sugar. Wait for sugar to turn dark brown. Add garlic, and shallots. Sauté for 10-15 second.
2•Add meat, stir to coated with the caramelize sauce.
3.Add coconut soda, water, fish sauce, oyster sauce, ground pepper, paprika, garlic powder, onion powder and msg.
4•Covered and bring to a boil. Scoop out the scums on top. Then cover and reduced heat to low. Simmer for 1 hrs.
5•Uncovers and add in the hard boiled eggs 🥚. Continue to simmer for another 1/2 hrs. or until meat are tender. Flip eggs once in a while.
6•Scoops out some of the oil on top.
7•Taste and adjust. If meat needs to be more tender. Simmer a little longer. Enjoy 😉
You can cut the recipe in half

Thursday, March 9, 2023

Saving Your Relationship from the Gottman Institute

 So when I heard there was a magic ratio, an actual mathematical formula, for creating a happier, healthier relationship, my ears perked up. 

This ratio was developed by none other than psychologist and researcher Dr. John Gottman, who can predict–with 90% accuracy–whether a relationship will or won’t last. If you, like me, get chills from those kinds of hard-hitting numbers, let me introduce you to Dr. Gottman’s research-based formula for more successful relationships. 

Ready for it? Here’s the Gottman formula:

1 negative interaction + 5 positive interactions + maintaining the effort over time 

= A healthier relationship

This means that “for every negative interaction during conflict, a stable and happy marriage has five (or more) positive interactions.”

The best part about this little math problem? You don’t need to know the square root of anything to get it right. You just need a simple understanding of each element of the equation, and how they all add up.

So let’s break down this equation, one element at a time. 

1 Negative Interaction

According, to Dr. John Gottman, negative interactions during conflict usually appear in one of four ways, which he has coined as “The 4 Horsemen” (referring to the 4 horsemen of the apocalypse). These 4 horsemen are signs of impending doom in the relationship, and they are:





Of course, any (or all) of these 4 horsemen are bound to happen in any relationship, especially during conflict. But the occasional critique or moment of defensiveness doesn’t mean divorce is imminent. However, taken together, each of these 4 horsemen can fuel “the others in a really destructive way,” writes Certified Gottman Couples Therapist Kimberly Panganiban, LMFT. 

“The conflict will begin by one partner complaining with blame (criticism). As soon as the other partner feels blamed, defensiveness crops up, and then the couple is stuck in a criticism/ defensiveness loop, in which no one feels heard or understood. From there, the discussion will escalate to include contempt (such as name-calling, sarcasm, or mockery) or both partners will shut down and withdraw (stonewall),” says Panganiban. 

If the 4 horsemen sound like a recipe for relationship doom, remember, there’s another part to this equation.

+ 5 Positive Interactions

Okay, now’s time to whip out the calculator (just kidding, you can save that for deciphering your macronutrients later). The basic idea here is that to reverse the damaging effects of a negative interaction during conflict, you need to follow it up with five positive interactions (this is the 5:1 ratio).

If a couple is in the middle of a conflict discussion and negativity sets in, the best positive interaction they can use is what Dr. Gottman calls a “repair.” 

Panganiban defines a repair as, “Something someone says that de-escalates the tension in the discussion and gets it back on track.” Some basic repairs she recommends include: 

Cluing your partner into what you are feeling: “I am feeling criticized” or “Can you please rephrase that?”  

Taking responsibility: “my reactions were too extreme. Sorry. Let me try again.”

Requesting to calm the conversation down: “this is important to me. Please  listen.” Or “Can we take a break?”

Accepting influence: “I think your point of view makes sense.”

Once the “repair” process has begun, it’s important to counteract the negative reaction with a minimum of five positive interactions. Panganiban’s suggestions for positive interactions include: 

* Gestures of appreciation

* Showing affection

* Checking in with your partner

* Being present/engaged 

* Doing something thoughtful for one another 

* Focusing on what your partner is doing well and what you appreciate

Of course, taking a moment during conflict— when we’re angry and wound up— to show appreciation to our partner is…difficult, to say the least. We might be flooded with emotion, or acting irrationally, which is why de-escalation is often the first, necessary step. A moment of lightness or a joke can go a long way to ease tension and make room for more positive interactions during conflict. 

+ Maintaining The Effort Over Time

Gottman’s research shows that successful relationships have a 5:1 ratio in conflict, but they also have a 20:1 ratio outside of conflict. It’s important that couples make a continued effort to have positive interactions as they move through their lives together.

“The 20:1 ratio outside of conflict is something that a couple could track to help bring awareness to how often they are sharing positive things vs. negative things with their partner,” says Panganiban. “People have a tendency to share negativity more, because it’s something we want changed. We often take the positivity for granted, because it is already there.”

According to Panganiban, relationships require both partners to actively notice the positive and then share it out loud with their partner. This needs to happen many, many more times than the amount of times someone shares a complaint or concern in the relationship. Couples that are not achieving the 20:1 ratio begin to feel unappreciated in the relationship and distant from their partner. If these feelings are occurring, it is important to begin to introduce more positivity to  diffuse some of the negativity.  

“The formula is definitely something couples can learn over time. It is something I teach couples everyday in my practice, and I have seen it change many relationships. Eventually, couples get a good sense of where they are without having to track,” Panganiban explains.  

= A Healthier Relationship

So what does a healthy relationship that practices the 5:1 ratio look like? Panganiban suggests: 

Partners walk away from conflict discussions feeling mostly heard, understood and more connected to one another 

There are more positive feelings than negative ones between partners 

Partners tune into what the other feels and needs 

Partners really listen to one another

Conflict is normal and necessary for a healthy, happy relationship, because it brings partners closer and helps them understand one another more. However, the way a couple navigates through conflict determines the course of the entire relationship. 

Processing our mistakes and failures is crucial to keeping a relationship healthy and stable. 

If any couple needs help increasing positivity in their relationship inside and/or outside of conflict, they should seek help from a Certified Gottman Therapist to gain the tools to be able to do so. 

Kenji's Halal cart-style chicken w/ rice and white sauce

  Kenji's Halal cart-style chicken Ingredients For the chicken: 2 tablespoons fresh lemon juice 1 tablespoon chopped fresh oregano 1/2 t...