Saturday, January 25, 2020

Braised pork ribs Suon Rim Man

Recipe from Hollie Phuong-Hong Nguyen

 My mom does that, too, and I learn her cookings that way, just eyeballing and taste. So when I give you the recipe, hopefully you can try and use it as a guide to cook. Use your taste bud to guide your seasoning. I think it's the best way to cook and make something that will be pleasing to your palate. Let me know if you have any question. I'll be more than happy to help. So here is what I do:

Spare ribs cut into bite-size, wash with hot water, drained and set aside.
2-3 cloves of garlic, minced
1-2 Tbs of oil
About 2-3 Tbsp of fish sauce (this will depend on the amount of meat you'll use. This is just a guide for about 1 to 1 1/2 lbs of meat)
1 Tbsp of sugar
1 Tbsp of homemade thick caramel sauce (nước màu). I think this is the key ingredient in making your ribs the color it is and taste better homemade. But if you don't have homemade, store-bought will do the job.

Heat the oil in a skillet. Add the minced garlic and stir-fry until fragrant or lightly brown. Add the ribs and stir-fry for a few minutes until the ribs are lightly cooked. Add the fish sauce. Let the ribs cooked on medium high heat to absorb the fish sauce. You'll notice that some juice starts to release from the meat. Keep it on boiling to continue releasing and absorbing for a few more minutes. Add the sugar. Then add the thick caramel sauce. Stir and toss the meat to combine. Lower the heat and let it simmer. At this time, taste the juice. If it it is to your taste, simmer just for a little more to let it caramelized (like in the video). When it reaches the right caramelized consistency, turn off the heat. If the taste is a bit salty, no problem. Just add some hot water to reduce the saltiness a bit and let it simmer a bit longer to reach caramelization. Then you're done. Hope this helps.

I don’t season it. I just use my simple sauce and caramel sauce to cook it. Here is the link to the recipe for that sauce. I also use this sauce to make my cá kho. Check it out and I’ll be glad to answer any questions 🙂.

Making the simple sauce for seasoning:
-> 1 bottle of fish sauce (Squid Brand)
-> 3 cups sugar
In a saucepan on medium heat, combine the sugar with the fish sauce and stir until the sugar is dissolved. When the mixture just comes to a boil, turn off the heat. Skim off the foam if any. When the sauce is cool, the consistency should be slightly thicken but not too thick.
*Note: This sauce is all you need, besides nước màu, to season your fish. You can store the left over in a glass jar at room temperature or in the fridge and use it later.  It lasts for a long time.  This sauce can also be used to make many other braised dishes such as Sườn Rim Mặn, Gà Xào Xả Ớt, Gà Xào Gừng, or anything that is similar in technique. Very convenient, right?

Tip: With around 1lb pork rib, I used 5Tbsp nuoc mam kho and 4Tbsp nuoc mau, with water to cook pork and some cai chua.  Love the way to cook these now, essentials were ready in my hand 😀

Recipe from Lanie Ho - Facebook

My suon ram man with trung cut.
Am I the only one who can eat this every week? It’s my go to when I’m craving comfort food. 😍😍

2 lbs pork ribs
1can coconut soda
3 tbsp 3 crab fish sauce
1tsp salt
1tsp Black pepper
1can quail eggs, drained and washed
2 cloves garlic, minced
2 green onions, chopped all the way. White and green part
1 -2 tbsp sugar... depending on your level of sweetness.

I boil my meat first w salt to get rid of the impurities. Don’t boil all the way. Just for a few minutes. Drain.
In bowl, Marinate w the white part of onions, garlic, and the seasonings, for about 15 minutes.

Add 2tbsp oil to pan, then sugar. Do not stir the pot. Just gently swirl it... you want the sugar to caramelize.
Once sugar is brown, add meat and stir. Do this on medium high heat until meat is covered in sauce.
Add coconut soda. Cover w lid and let it cook for about 25-30 minutes...
Uncover and add the eggs.... let it cook for another 20 minutes... until sauce thickens.
**this is where I taste my sauce and see if I need to adjust taste to my preference.
More sweet, add sugar, more salty add more fish sauce.
Once it’s done, garnish w green onions.

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